This is my blog about writing, my books and the stories that have yet to be written. There are also the occasional ramblings. ;)
Saturday, April 30, 2016
A to Z Challenge - Z is for Zany
It's time for another A to Z Challenge! This year, I want to tell you about a story that is currently a WIP (work in progress). It's the story I'm writing in honor of my baby lovebird, Robert. It's a fantasy story, but it's really a story about emotional healing. So let's examine it by going through the alphabet!
This is it, kids. The final post. We have made it all the way to the letter z! What does z stand for? Z is for zany!
You can't have a story about a pirate Lovebird and not have it be zany. The characters are quirky, how could they not be? Robert's crew is an interesting mix, including a giant, giraffe, a couple of dogs, a hippo, a unicorn, and several others. Locreya is a land beyond your wildest dreams having fields full of flowers that are colors unlike any you've seen before. Locreya is like water: if you move, the world around you moves. Zany is only the tip of the iceberg.
The Good Pirate, Robert is a story that will keep you very entertained with its zany characters and its zany places, and even its somewhat zany story line. This is the best zany book you will ever read!
And that's all folks! Thank you so much for joining me on this year's A to Z challenge! Let's do it again next year! ;)
Thanks again and happy reading!
Friday, April 29, 2016
A to Z Challenge Y is for Yenning/Yearning
It's time for another A to Z Challenge! This year, I want to tell you about a story that is currently a WIP (work in progress). It's the story I'm writing in honor of my baby lovebird, Robert. It's a fantasy story, but it's really a story about emotional healing. So let's examine it by going through the alphabet!
Y is for yenning or yearning. They mean the same thing, and they both start with y, so pick whichever one you prefer.
The truth of the matter is, I began writing Robert's story immediately after he died because I was yearning to still have him in my life. I needed some way to stay connected to him. I was yenning to be with him in any capacity I could find, and writing was the best media for that bond to remain.
Everyone mourns differently. My mourning is that I search for ways to hold onto things that connect me to that person in someway. Via tattoos, possessions, whatever I can. Losing Robert was no different. I just yearned to have things to remind me of him, to maintain my bond with him. I wrote out of that yearning, and I continue to do so.
Please don't miss the final post tomorrow! We've finally hit the letter z! You don't want to miss it!
Thursday, April 28, 2016
A to Z Challenge - X is for Xanthic
It's time for another A to Z Challenge! This year, I want to tell you about a story that is currently a WIP (work in progress). It's the story I'm writing in honor of my baby lovebird, Robert. It's a fantasy story, but it's really a story about emotional healing. So let's examine it by going through the alphabet!
X is for xanthic. Xanthic means yellow, or yellowish in color. What does this have to do with Robert or his story? His little face was yellow. Look:
Thus, x is for xanthic.
Come on back tomorrow as we discover what the letter y represents!
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
A to Z Challenge - W is for Work in progress
It's time for another A to Z Challenge! This year, I want to tell you about a story that is currently a WIP (work in progress). It's the story I'm writing in honor of my baby lovebird, Robert. It's a fantasy story, but it's really a story about emotional healing. So let's examine it by going through the alphabet!
W is for Work in progress (WIP).
The tale of The Good Pirate, Robert is still very much a WIP. Challenging me creatively and emotionally, this is a story that I am taking my time working on. This is the kind of story that is worth my time, and worth the wait for you. You wouldn't want a sped-up, quickly-done-in-the-interest-of-nobody book. This is a story of emotional healing. This is a story that requires my time and attention. This is a book that will demonstrate my efforts, and from which you will gain much. So yes, it's a WIP. It will be a WIP for a while. How long, I don't know. However long it needs to be. This is not a literary version of fast food. This is is a literary version of a finely marinated steak that has been well-crafted, and is worth the wait. WIP is not a bad word or term, it promises to give you the best story I can create.
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
A to Z Challenge - V is for Victory
It's time for another A to Z Challenge! This year, I want to tell you about a story that is currently a WIP (work in progress). It's the story I'm writing in honor of my baby lovebird, Robert. It's a fantasy story, but it's really a story about emotional healing. So let's examine it by going through the alphabet!
V is for victory!
As I've intimated before, Robert's story is one of good versus evil. Of course, good triumphs. It always does. In this case, the victory is not one you might imagine. This victory is one that doesn't crush the bad entity, but rather frees him from his bondage of darkness. This victory allows for "good" and "evil" to cohabitate peacefully. The victory is one where everyone wins, literally.
I think that in Robert's story, it was important to have a plot that didn't have him causing harm to another, but rather creating a way that would benefit everyone. That was the kind of spirit Robert had.
A victory where everyone wins is the greatest kind of victory, and the only kind Robert would every stand for.
The wild and wonderful w is tomorrow! Don't miss it!
Monday, April 25, 2016
A to Z Challenge - U is for Ubiquity
It's time for another A to Z Challenge! This year, I want to tell you about a story that is currently a WIP (work in progress). It's the story I'm writing in honor of my baby lovebird, Robert. It's a fantasy story, but it's really a story about emotional healing. So let's examine it by going through the alphabet!
U is our letter today, and u is for ubiquity.
One thing that I have discovered in writing a fantasy is that fantasy and imagination are everywhere. If you look at the world around us, it really is quite amazing. We have so many different life forms. Sunsets are different every night. Tree species vary tremendously. Each and every snowflake from across time and across the globe is unique. With such creativity and imagination, it isn't all that difficult to come up with a story that embellishes said creativity and imagination. Every bird that flies around us inspires creativity. Every flower we behold promotes imagination. Fantasy surrounds us. Our reality is one of such beauty and artistry, that fantasy is obviously ubiquitous.
Check in tomorrow for the exciting letter v! See you then!
a to z,
Saturday, April 23, 2016
A to Z Challenge - T is for Team
It's time for another A to Z Challenge! This year, I want to tell you about a story that is currently a WIP (work in progress). It's the story I'm writing in honor of my baby lovebird, Robert. It's a fantasy story, but it's really a story about emotional healing. So let's examine it by going through the alphabet!
We are wrapping up this week with the letter t, which represents team.
Our narrator, Emmalee, hasn't gotten much press here. She is as much a part of this as Robert.
The more time she spends with Robert and his crew, the more she loses self, and becomes a part of the team.
When three of the crew members disappear and end up in Mulrad, Emmalee puts in the same amount of effort as crew members who had known them for years.
Emmalee is such a great teammate, that she even takes on a special assignment from Robert. That assignment is key for his plan to rescue everyone from Mulrad, and bring them all back. Her duty is not an easy one by any means. In fact, it is the most difficult job anyone could have in this plan. She does it, trusting Robert, and understanding the importance of teamwork. By doing so, she helps many others.
Teams and teamwork are essential in every stage in life, and thus it is an important theme in The Good Pirate, Robert.
Alrighty. Tomorrow is a day of rest. Monday, we're back at it again, jumping into the letter u!
Friday, April 22, 2016
A to Z Challenge S is for Sadness
It's time for another A to Z Challenge! This year, I want to tell you about a story that is currently a WIP (work in progress). It's the story I'm writing in honor of my baby lovebird, Robert. It's a fantasy story, but it's really a story about emotional healing. So let's examine it by going through the alphabet!
Today we're going to take a deeper look at s, which is for sadness.
No one likes to talk about sadness. Many people are awkward and uncomfortable around people who are sad. So, why on Earth would I dedicate a blog post to sadness?
Because none of this would be here if not for Robert's passing.
We have to be honest about things, and this is my truth. This story originated from a place of deep grief. I wanted something to hold onto that was Robert, or would at least remind me of him. I couldn't let go. I needed to have him in my life in some capacity. So that capacity became this fictitious story.
Just as dreary, rainy days provide the necessary water for flowers to blossom, so did my tears water the seeds that made this story bloom.
Much beauty can arise from sadness.
Come back tomorrow for this week's final letter, t.
Thursday, April 21, 2016
A to Z Challenge - R is for Robert
It's time for another A to Z Challenge! This year, I want to tell you about a story that is currently a WIP (work in progress). It's the story I'm writing in honor of my baby lovebird, Robert. It's a fantasy story, but it's really a story about emotional healing. So let's examine it by going through the alphabet!
Today's letter is r, which is, of course, for Robert!
Rather than rehashing his story over and over (I think most people probably feel bored and inundated by his story), I am going to smother you in Robert pictures.
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
A to Z Challenge - Q is for Quest
It's time for another A to Z Challenge! This year, I want to tell you about a story that is currently a WIP (work in progress). It's the story I'm writing in honor of my baby lovebird, Robert. It's a fantasy story, but it's really a story about emotional healing. So let's examine it by going through the alphabet!
Q is for quest.
Robert is on a quest, in The Good Pirate, Robert. He's on a quest to save three members of his crew. They were taken away to Mulrad, the land of misery.
Robert knows, though, that this isn't just a normal search and rescue mission. His crew mates were among countless others who were trapped in the bad place. Robert's quest had to be a great one.
Indeed it was! He set out to do what no one had ever done before...go to Mulrad, and return to Locreya. Getting to Mulrad was easy. Getting out seemed impossible. No one had ever left before, so it must be impossible, right?
Thankfully, our little feathered hero is a brave one. He laughs at the word impossible. He knows that if you can get there, you can get back. Being the good soul that he is, he makes sure that he frees not just his crew members, but everyone who is trapped in Mulrad.
What a quest this is! It is a lengthy one, and incredibly involved. It's tricky to find a way out of Mulrad without being discovered and sucked into its misery. Robert is smart, cunning, and fearless, though. Thanks to those traits, he makes the impossible possible.
Now, I'd love to get into all of the good, juicy details, but why spoil the fun?! If you want to see HOW this happens, you'll just have to find out when the book comes out! ;)
In the meanwhile, come back tomorrow as we explore the letter r!
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
A to Z Challenge - P is for Passion
It's time for another A to Z Challenge! This year, I want to tell you about a story that is currently a WIP (work in progress). It's the story I'm writing in honor of my baby lovebird, Robert. It's a fantasy story, but it's really a story about emotional healing. So let's examine it by going through the alphabet!
Our letter of the day, p, stands for passion.
When I started writing Robert's story, it was a way I wanted to honor him and his memory. My passion and my connection with him was what spurred me to do this in the first place.
As the story evolved, so did my passion.
My passion for the message of Robert's story was ignited. The message was one that was as important for me to hear as it is for you. I needed to write this to heal myself, in order to help you heal.
My love and passion for Robert morphed into Robert's passion for helping both you and I heal.
The passion that is behind this story is immense. Without that passion, this story would have fizzled out. Instead, the passion helped it to flourish into a wonderful story with a wonderful message.
Passion is of the utmost importance in writing something like this. I am so grateful that Robert helped give me the passion I needed to create this piece.
Tomorrow we discuss the ever interesting q! Don't miss it!
Monday, April 18, 2016
A to Z Challenge - O is for Originality
It's time for another A to Z Challenge! This year, I want to tell you about a story that is currently a WIP (work in progress). It's the story I'm writing in honor of my baby lovebird, Robert. It's a fantasy story, but it's really a story about emotional healing. So let's examine it by going through the alphabet!
O is for originality
Robert's story is unlike anything you've ever read before. I know, every writer has said that about every book that has ever been written. In this case, though, I can prove it to be true.
First off, how many books have you read about or starring pirate Lovebirds? Yeah, that's what I thought. ;)
Seriously though, this story is highly entertaining while also bringing a wonderful message of peace, hope, and healing. It can be a children's book, while also being poignant enough to be an adult read.
This story contains characters, who not only differ in species, color, and everything else, but who have such depth and sincerity about them. They are as palpable as the emotions this book is founded upon.
It is technically a good versus evil story, but what the evil is, and how it is conquered is incredibly unique. It's anything but cliche.
The tale of The Good Pirate, Robert is a great, unique one that will take you on many adventures, and it will reside deeply in your heart.
Tune in tomorrow for the letter p!
Saturday, April 16, 2016
A to Z Challenge - N is for New
It's time for another A to Z Challenge! This year, I want to tell you about a story that is currently a WIP (work in progress). It's the story I'm writing in honor of my baby lovebird, Robert. It's a fantasy story, but it's really a story about emotional healing. So let's examine it by going through the alphabet!
N is for new.
New, as in this story is new.
New, as in writing fantasy is new to me.
New, as in this is different from any other fantasy story you've ever read before.
New, as in this is also different from any other emotional healing book you've ever read before.
New, as in the characters of a pirate bird, a girl named Emmalee, and a crew of all sorts of creatures are new to you, and the literary world.
New, as in this book is so new it hasn't even hatched yet. ;)
New. New is good.
Monday, we will pick up again, starting with the letter o. Same bat time, same bat place. See you then!
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