Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Why Imperfect is my PLATINUM child!

And a sleepy good morning to all of you! :)

I was hoping to post my interview with All Romance E-books, but I haven't gotten it yet! LOL. Rest assured, I will annoy you with it as soon as I can! :)

In the meanwhile, albeit early, I am going to discuss Imperfect.

You might have remembered my blog not that long ago calling Unbreakable Hostage my golden child. Well, Imperfect (and Impeccable) is/are my platinum child(-ren).

Let me 'splain.

1) There's GREAT alliteration. I am a FOOL for alliteration. It is one of the best tools a writer can implement. For those of you who don't know, alliteration is two or more words that use the same letter(s) or sound(s). In this case, IMPErfect and IMPEccable. It's also often use in ads. For example, Saturday's Super Sale! Get it? Yeah, it's cool. ;)

I love me some alliteration.

2) The titles are opposing. Imperfect implies flaw. Impeccable implies perfection. Yeah, aliteration AND opposition. That is some pretty cool stuff, yo! ;)

Here's the real reason this two-parter is my platinum pride and joy. The main character, Carol, is my twin. Her insecurities are my insecurities. Her emotions are my emotions. Her demons are either my demons or representative of my demons. Our lives are not a perfect mirror image, but they're extremely close. The issues I deal with in these two books are so close to my heart. I'm tackling prejudice, mainly. I'm taking on racism, sexism, interracial relationships, prejudice against the GLBT community, and prejudice against AIDS patients. People are people. We are all human beings. Prejudice in any form is just plain unacceptable. I use characters that we can ALL relate to in order to piss of my readers when they see how people can get hurt. Is that mean? Maybe. But I'm getting my point across. You may not have even realized that you held certaib reservations about a specific group of people, but these two books will encourage you to think, and to accept others for who they are as fellow human beings.

Now, Imperfect doesn't come out until July and Impeccable is still a WIP (work-in-progress), but I think it's high time I give these books the accolades they deserve! ;)

PS: Don't forget we have a character interview on Friday & then a VERY special interview with Author Lloyd Kaneko from the APA program! You don't want to miss these!

Happy reading!

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