Saturday, September 6, 2014

Writing Weekend Warriors

Happy weekend, y'all! :)

I know it's the weekend! I'm just changing it up! ;)

This weekend, I am doing the Weekend Writing Warriors 8 Sentence Sunday. So come join us in the fun that is #8sunday! ;)

Click for more information and to see other 8 Sentence Sunday posts.

Here are 8 sentences for my upcoming novel, Candles on the Spinet:

Corinne sat in the bare living room with the front door to the old house wide open. The screen door made a pitiful barrier between her and the raging thunderstorm outside. The light, sweet, crisp scent of rain tickled the back of her nostrils with each gust of wind. The rain was more than welcome, though. The humidity had finally died down and there was even a slight chill in the air. Drenched green leaves danced and twirled on just the other side of the door.

Surrounding Corinne was a sea of boxes. Her whole life was contained in the plain brown parcels. Pictures, memories, books, sentimental items: indeed, her entire existence was covered in bubble wrap and contained in the boxes she had clearly marked.

Happy Reading!

1 comment:

Chelle Cordero said...

I really like the way you describe the rain - and considering I'm sitting here just after a heavy T-storm, it's amazing how I felt right in the snippet. Sure sounds like another interesting book! Great snippet.