Tuesday, September 9, 2014

I got a One Lovely Blog Award Nomination!

I want to thank Tamara Philip of http://tamaraphilipwrites.wordpress.com/ for nominating me! :)

According to Ms. Philip, this award was created by Works of Art by Sara as a way to recognize her favorite blogs. Recipients pay it forward by passing the award along to their favorite blogs. and of course it quickly grew because it’s a very sweet thing to do!

Here are the rules:
You must thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog.
You must list the rules and display the award.
You must add 7 facts about yourself.
You must nominate 7 other bloggers and comment on one of their posts to let them know they’ve been nominated.
You must display the award logo and follow the blogger who nominated you.

1) I have very small hands. My wedding ring was a size 4 or 4 1/2.
2) I have moved over twenty times since the year 2000.
3)I can read and write in Spanish far better than I can speak it. :)
4) My upcoming release, Candles on the Spinet, took 2 years for me to complete.
5) Thanks to my maternal grandmother, I can curse people out in Slavish. LOL
6) Our house was built in 1860.
7) I like to play around with wood working and wood furniture restoration.

Here are my wonderful nominees (please check them out. As a side note, Ms.Philip already nominated some of the people I wanted to nominate, so this became a bit tricky! LOL. Rather than just nominating ANY blogs, I am nominating 2 that I really believe in):


Chelle Cordero said...

Tag, you're it! Yes, I've done it again.

You've been nominated for the One Lovely Blogger Award - even if you've been nominated before, I wanted to make it known that YOU deserve it.
I hope you will come check my blog post out at http://bit.ly/1or1rkO

L. E. Harvey said...

Thank you, Chelle! My readers and I are always happy to follow a blog as good as yours!

P.S., You REALLY deserve it too! ;)