Thursday, January 31, 2013

Always a Work In Progress

Good morning, readers!

Lately, I've felt very drawn to my dance roots. I don't know why. But I have been searching and studying dance images, thought about taking classes again, etc.

For those of you who don't know, I was a dancer and choreographer in high school and college (I even studied dance education and taugh briefly). I love dance. It is one of my favorite art forms.

I have decided that since I have been so drawn back that I need to visit with an old friend.

Remember Liz from Loving Her?

For years, I have been promising you all prequels to the short stories that compile Loving Her. I have dabbled here and there on all of the stories. How long this visit with Liz will last, I don't know. But I know that I love her. I love the familiarity of her, I love who and what she is. Writing her story is comfortable.

I am still working on my paranormal piece as well. As a writer, I focus on quality and not quantity. That is why these pieces have taken as long as they have. I don't want something that just came off an assembly line. And I would hope that as readers, you would not want that either. I don't care how long Liz's story, my paranormal story - any of them, really - take. If they can be a piece that I am proud of and that you want to read, then I have done my job.

So yes, I have a few works in progress right now. I, myself, as a human being and as a writer, am a work in progress too. That's the beauty in writing and in life.


Happy reading!

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