Friday, March 21, 2014

A to Z Theme

Well happy Friday, evening, gang!

I just heard that today is official A to Z Theme Announcement day!

So better late than never, here is my theme...

My theme is my Grandfather. As some of you may recall, he passed away on April 3 last year. Working the A to Z challenge was difficult in more than one way.

To honor his memory and all the ways he blessed and enriched my life, my A to Z Theme will be "Popoo."

Popoo means grandfather in Greek. I'm sure we're misspelling it, but that was what we always called him. :)

So starting April 1, we will go through an emotional and alphabetical adventure together! :)

1 comment:

Rebeccah Giltrow said...

That sounds like a lovely theme. Good luck with the challenge :)

Rebeccah Writes