Saturday, October 10, 2015

Halloween Scares for WeWriWa!

(Said with an Eastern European accent) Good evening!

Ok, just kidding. 'Tis the season for some good scares, though. So, in keeping with October's tradition of all things frightening, I am once again sharing snippets from Pianissimo. What better way to celebrate Halloween than with a paranormal story?!

Click for more information and to see other 8 Sentence Sunday posts.

This post is part of an ongoing blog hop hosted by Weekend Writing Warriors. Every Sunday, participating authors post eight sentences from a published work or even a WIP (work in progress). Then we hop to our fellow warriors’ blogs and check out all the fabulous fiction that’s happening! It's a great way to meet readers, writers, and your next favorite book!  :)

Background on the snippet: 
Corinne is having a dream that is more of a vision than anything else. This depiction is an image that will return to her again later on in the story.

Snippet in 9 sentences:

     A tall, thin woman stood in the dark, her arm rested heavily on some kind of ledge – perhaps a bureau or other piece of furniture. It was too dark to tell. The moonlight slithered its way in through the window, shadowing her tall, lean figure on the wall. She didn’t move. She couldn’t move. Even if she could, she wouldn’t want to. The silence pierced her soul. The room sat mute, but the woman seemed tense and overwrought with the noise in her own mind.
     Unable to breathe, unable to move, the woman stayed motionless; the furniture was the only thing

supporting her.

Hope you liked it!
Happy reading!


Chelle Cordero said...

This line: "The moonlight slithered its way in through the window" really sets a a very eerie tone. Great snippet for October.

Veronica Scott said...

Very cool snippet, loved the moonlight slithering and the entire atmosphere. Great!

Unknown said...

So much tension! 0_o