Good Thursday morning, readers! Today I have a real TREAT. ;)
For Halloween 2011, I have a guest author. This is the first time I have had a paranormal romance writer here, and I am thrilled to be able to host her!
Please help me welcolme paranormal writer, Lynda Hilburn!
Hi Lynda! Thank you so much for being with us today!
Hi, Lauren! Thanks for having me.
Lynda, let’s start with your background. On your website you say, “After a childhood filled with invisible friends, sightings of dead relatives and a fascination with the occult, turning to the paranormal was a no-brainer.” My partner is absolutely obsessed with Ghost Hunters and I have seen one spirit myself. But I would LOVE to hear about your sightings and visits. Would you mind sharing some stories or insights with us?
I’ve sensed energies since childhood. At first, I had no idea everyone didn’t see the “friends” I saw. Sometimes I just knew someone/something was with me without seeing them with my physical eyes. When I was a teenager I had a blast doing séances and seeking out mysterious/mystical experiences on purpose. I really think we humans start out quite open to the unusual and we become less willing to explore the unknown as we get older and our cerebral processes take over from our old brain. I saw non-physical beings regularly until I got too busy to give the invisible realm much attention (single mom, working a couple of jobs and going to school). Talking to the dead was normal for my female ancestors, so it didn’t really surprise me. One memorable experience I had was when I was around 21, and I saw my then-husband’s dead father standing at the foot of the bed. I recognized him from photographs and never did figure out what he was trying to tell me. Now, I mostly see the non-physical out of the corner of my eye and just feel it. And usually they show up for a reason. But, I also believe if I began focusing on all that interesting stuff again, it would manifest more clearly (we get more of what we focus on).
Wow, that is incredible! I don't think many people can say they have had or continue to have experiences like the ones you have. Thank you so much for sharing that with us!
You have worked a myriad of interesting jobs including: musician; copy editor; newspaper columnist; university instructor; psychic and tarot reader; psychotherapist; hypnotherapist, and more! Which of these occupations was your favorite and why? I’d also love to hear how you got your start in each of these careers! Do you continue to do any psychic or tarot work to this day? Why or why not?
I tend to be inner-directed. I’m liable to try anything that strikes my fancy. Some of the jobs, like typesetter, editor, were just to make money. I am pretty good with words and I type fast, so those were natural outlets. I started doing psychic/tarot readings when I was a teenager and I still do them. I have cut back over the last few years, though, because I’m not as fond of being put in the position of telling people what to do. As a psychotherapist, my job is to help the person uncover her/his own answers. People come to a psychic for the opposite reason and it began to be uncomfortable for me. For some reason, a lot of my psychic clients didn’t really want to accept that they have most of the responsibility for the way their lives are playing out – that our choices determine greatly how things unfold. They just wanted me to tell them something that was written in stone, and there’s no such thing. It’s all about possible futures. I can’t really pick a favorite career, since I still do all of the things I ever did. I just keep adding skills. I have a short attention span, I guess!
LOL. I don't think I'd say that! You've been very successful at all of your endeavors, so I'm going with multi-talented! :)
On your site you discuss making the switch from non-fiction to fiction. I, too, got my start in non-fiction. How was the transition for you? Did you find it to be difficult to go from non-fiction to fiction? Did you find your creative juices flowed freely or did it almost seem as though your novels read as non-fiction pieces?
Switching from nonfiction to fiction was an absolute delight and terribly challenging. My first few fiction efforts read like newspaper articles: just the facts! Where, when, how, why, what. My characters would sit there and have extremely long conversations, with no physical movements or indications of being in an environment. I still have to be careful not to turn my people into talking heads. Having good critique partners who reminded me to use all five senses helped me learn to add the physical to the cerebral. I still count on my crit partners to catch my in-the-head tendencies. But writing fiction was the most fun, ever. What could be better than making up stories featuring my favorite paranormal and supernatural characters? In many ways, writing fiction is much harder than writing nonfiction.
Oh, I agree completely! Fiction is definitely harder! But like you said, it is way more fun! LOL. :)
You say, “I’ve been a rabid fan of all things paranormal – especially vampires – since I first got my hands on Bram Stoker’s Dracula. To me, there’s just something fascinating about those extraordinary nightwalkers.” I agree! I am infatuated with them myself, also due to Mr. Stoker! I remember as pre-teen trying to write a vampire novel due to my passion for them, but it fell terribly flat (even for a pre-teen’s standards!). Any tips on how to write a GOOD vampire novel?
Vampire fiction has exploded over the last ten years. I keep hearing how “vampires are dead” (so to speak) and readers have lost interest. I don’t believe that. For some reason, vampires really struck a chord with paranormal fans, especially women. I think the best way to learn to write good vampire fiction is to read a lot. You also have to decide what kind of vampire fiction you want to write. The rules for romance are different than for fantasy, sci fi or horror. Do you want to write “monster” vampires or “sensual” vampires? Are you targeting adults or the YA market? All those choices will determine the tone of your writing.
Ok Lynda, now onto your books:
The first one listed on your website is VAMPIRE SHRINK - Book 1, Kismet Knight, Ph.D., Vampire Psychologist Series
It is listed as book #1. Can you tell us when we can expect book number two and how many will be in this series?
The Vampire Shrink has been reincarnated 4 times. First it was published by a small publisher in 2007 in trade paperback and managed to achieve modest success. Since my then-agent held onto the e-rights to the book for me (and I had no idea back then why I’d want such a thing), I put the e-book up myself on Amazon and Smashwords in 2010. It became a best seller, which lead to my getting the 3-book deal I have now with a joint venture between Quercus Books in London and Sterling Publishing in the USA. The British version of The Vampire Shrink came out September 1, 2011 and the USA version will be out April 3, 2012. When that book comes out, it will be the 4th time the book was published. That’s got to be some kind of record! My UK editor, Jo Fletcher, read the book that used to be book #2 (previously called Dark Harvest) and we decided it jumped too far ahead in the series arc. She asked me to write a brand new book #2 (called Blood Therapy). I’m madly working on that for a Dec. 31, 2011 deadline. The number of books in the series (either printed by a traditional publishing company or self-pubbed by me) is unlimited. Kismet can continue to have adventures as long as there are paranormal situations to mix her up in.
The heroine in this book is named Kismet. Is that because the outcome will be her kismet/fate?
Her parents named her after a Broadway musical they attended. And actually, I saw the musical Kismet when I was a kid and was enthralled. I always intended to use that word as a name at some point.
Is she, or any of the other characters, based off of yourself or anyone you know?
I believe all characters are aspects of the author. They are either conscious aspects, pro or con, or unconscious aspects. Wish fulfillments or fears. Desires or repressions. Facets of our inner parents. In the case of my main female character, Kismet Knight, she is totally me. We share the same profession and I get to live vicariously through her. Although she’s younger, prettier, thinner and having lots more romance and sex than me!
Of course, when I read the synopsis for UNDEAD IN THE CITY, the first thing that jumped out at me was that Tempest was a musician. Did you use your experiences as a musician to help create this story?
Since I don’t like to do traditional research, I write all my stories based on what I know. I absolutely used my musical background and experiences when I created Tempest. I need to go back and expand and deepen that story. It was only supposed to be a short work for a possible anthology. I haven’t had the time yet to give it the time it deserves. Tempest and Malveaux are a frisky couple! And, I was raised in the inner city of Detroit, so I’m very familiar with the setting of the story.
Once again, you have a strong heroine (with again, a very beautiful, unique and interesting name) as your lead character. Do you find it is easier to write stories with female leads rather than males?
I know more about women than about men. Most of my therapy and intuitive clients have been women. I’m an expert on female psychology. It’s much easier for me to write women. I tend to make all my males intelligent and verbal with dry humor. I don’t know how to write a typical alpha male, since that isn’t the type of man I’m attracted to. I try to make my males extraordinary in some way: either intellectually brilliant or talented in some special way.
Who is your favorite character in this particular story and why?
LOL. I’m rather fond of Uncle Stix. You’d have to read the novella to figure out who he is!
Diary of a Narcissistic Bloodsucker is third on the list. I absolutely love the title! What inspired you to write this novel and with this kind of angle?
Diary is a 12,000-word short story. I needed something snarky/funny for an anthology and I just started writing a flow-of-consciousness story about an incredibly self-absorbed vampire. Most vampires are narcissistic, but Zara, the main character in this little story, is the poster child for self-absorption. She doesn’t pretend to be anything other than she is. She isn’t seeking redemption. She likes having a personality disorder! LOL
What is one thing you can tell us about this book that you think would surprise readers?
I never expected it to be published. When the anthology I wrote it for didn’t happen, I was able to sell it to an e-publisher, where it did very well as a humor story. It was even in the Fictionwise top 10 for humor for quite a while. I eventually asked for the rights back so I could put it up on Amazon myself.
Lastly, Trick or Treat is listed, but the author is Hera St. Aubyn. Is this your book? What can you tell us about this book?
Trick or Treat is a tiny mini-story, written under a pen name, because I thought it was erotica. LOL. I since discovered that my version of erotica is pretty vanilla. I just don’t seem to have the gift for writing that level of heat. I’m better with spicy and hot. I mean, how many different ways can you describe those actions? But this little story was published by an epub and now I give it away for free.
Do you have any WIPs or up-coming releases?
I’m working on Kismet book #2 and on a short story in that world, about Devereux the main vampire, for promotion for the USA version of The Vampire Shrink. I am looking forward to writing other things when I can.
Where can we find out more about you and your work?
Here’s my contact info:
website: blog:
book trailer at you tube:
Any final thoughts you’d like to share with us?
I’m having a giveaway at Goodreads of 5 copies of the USA version of The Vampire Shrink when it comes out in April, 2012. It would be great if you could spread the word. Here’s the link to that page:
I’d love to hear from readers! I try to answer all my emails, so please let me know what you think about my books!
Thank you so much!
Thank you, Lynda! Take good care! Happy Halloween and Happy Reading to you and our readers! :)
This is my blog about writing, my books and the stories that have yet to be written. There are also the occasional ramblings. ;)
Thursday, October 27, 2011
2011 Halloween Special!
Lynda Hilburn,
paranormal romance,
story teller,
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Not Dean Koontz
Happy Thursday afternoon, fellow biblophiles!
I apologize for today's delay. My other job required more time of me than usual. And that is actually what I want to discuss today.
You see, I have just been asked to come do a local author's event; in addition, a reader has requested autographed copies of ALL of my books! I turned to my fiancee and said to her, "But I'm not Dean Koontz!"
And the truth is, I'm not. I am sitting here wearing scrubs as I type this. My other job, for those of you who didn't know, is as a licensed veterinary technician, or veterinary nurse. Again, not Dean Koontz.
I drive a 2000 Subaru Forester and my beloved 1977 Chevy K-10 pick up (sound familiar, Loving Her readers? ;) ). Also, not something akin to Dean Koontz.
I have bad hair days. I am short. I don't always look like a model. I am not a nationally known author...yet. ;) I have a regular job, I have bills to pay. I even have to pump my own gas! I know, it's terrible.
Seriously, though, I'm just a regular gal. There is absolutely nothing special about me. If you saw me walking down the street, you would simpy think I was a short, Hispanic female in her thirties. Not Dean Koontz.
Would I like the notarity that he has? Yes and no. I love the idea of people across the board knowing my work. I love the idea of my books selling themselves.I love the idea of my writing being recognized. However, there is tremendous pressure in being Dean Koontz or Stephen King or any other GOOD big-name writer. I will not discuss formula writers as...well, I just have an opinion about them and that's all you need to know. BUT, to be a truly good and famous writer, you need to be churning out book after book after book and they all need to top their predecssors. I don't know if I could do that. Right now, I am working on a project, but it's only a short story. I like my novels to come and just kind of happen. This one may turn into a full-length, but I want the freedom to explore all the possibilities with this story. That is a freedom Dean Koontz doesn't have.
Dean Koontz is very mainstream. To be him, I might have to tone down my Hispanicness or gayness or shortness. I don't know if it is a choice or an inability, but either way, that won't happen. Period.
Dean Koontz can only be Dean Koontz. Honestly, I like being L. E. Harvey the author or Lauren the vet tech or Jerry Skid the roller derby girl. I like wearing many hats. I don't see Dean Koontz doing that. He may, but I doubt it.
The point is: I am flattered and honored to be in this upcoming author's event as well as signing copies of my books for a reader I have never met. I may not be Dean Koontz, but that may not be a bad thing.
I apologize for today's delay. My other job required more time of me than usual. And that is actually what I want to discuss today.
You see, I have just been asked to come do a local author's event; in addition, a reader has requested autographed copies of ALL of my books! I turned to my fiancee and said to her, "But I'm not Dean Koontz!"
And the truth is, I'm not. I am sitting here wearing scrubs as I type this. My other job, for those of you who didn't know, is as a licensed veterinary technician, or veterinary nurse. Again, not Dean Koontz.
I drive a 2000 Subaru Forester and my beloved 1977 Chevy K-10 pick up (sound familiar, Loving Her readers? ;) ). Also, not something akin to Dean Koontz.
I have bad hair days. I am short. I don't always look like a model. I am not a nationally known author...yet. ;) I have a regular job, I have bills to pay. I even have to pump my own gas! I know, it's terrible.
Seriously, though, I'm just a regular gal. There is absolutely nothing special about me. If you saw me walking down the street, you would simpy think I was a short, Hispanic female in her thirties. Not Dean Koontz.
Would I like the notarity that he has? Yes and no. I love the idea of people across the board knowing my work. I love the idea of my books selling themselves.I love the idea of my writing being recognized. However, there is tremendous pressure in being Dean Koontz or Stephen King or any other GOOD big-name writer. I will not discuss formula writers as...well, I just have an opinion about them and that's all you need to know. BUT, to be a truly good and famous writer, you need to be churning out book after book after book and they all need to top their predecssors. I don't know if I could do that. Right now, I am working on a project, but it's only a short story. I like my novels to come and just kind of happen. This one may turn into a full-length, but I want the freedom to explore all the possibilities with this story. That is a freedom Dean Koontz doesn't have.
Dean Koontz is very mainstream. To be him, I might have to tone down my Hispanicness or gayness or shortness. I don't know if it is a choice or an inability, but either way, that won't happen. Period.
Dean Koontz can only be Dean Koontz. Honestly, I like being L. E. Harvey the author or Lauren the vet tech or Jerry Skid the roller derby girl. I like wearing many hats. I don't see Dean Koontz doing that. He may, but I doubt it.
The point is: I am flattered and honored to be in this upcoming author's event as well as signing copies of my books for a reader I have never met. I may not be Dean Koontz, but that may not be a bad thing.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Coming Out Day
Tuesday (10/11) was National Coming Out Day.
Like any good LGBT author, I promoted several events and articles relating to NCO, but I also promoted my books.
Not because I am THAT much of a narcissist.
Close, but not quite. ;)
In all seriousness, I hope that Imperfect and Impeccable help others to come out. They helped me to come out, believe it or not.
I have known who and what I am since I was a pre-teen. I remember being in junior high and having "those thoughts." I had hit puberty early, mind you, and when you have a class that is full of beautiful girls, you can't help but be...interested.
I had said things or asked questions of my mother in pre-teen and teen years, but she dismissed them.
In my twenties, I had a few long-distance reltaionships with other women. Since they were short-lived and long-distance, it still didn't quite register with my mother.
Mind you, I hate to make my mother out to be some kind of ignorant fool. She is anything but. However, for whatever reason, my orientation just didn't click with her.
So, when I wrote Imperfect, my mother asked me why all my characters were gay (consider the fact that Loving Her was fairly hot off the press at the time).
So, I thus had to explain to mom AGAIN that I am bisexual (she still doesn't quite fully understand since I'm with a woman now, but that's a whole other blog! LOL).
So, writing love stories about lesbians helped me to come out as a "half-lesbian,' if you will.
Is that a bad thing? Not at all. If you look at Carol and Alex, you will see that they are strong women. They are not ashamed of who they are. They love each other regardless of race or gender. They show us what true love can endure, and what it should be. That can be a very powerful tool in coming out.
So, if you're closeted, please come out! Yes, the world can be a scary place. But it will be such a better place if you're true to yourself!
And if you can read, please read Imperfect and Impeccable. You might just like them! ;)
Like any good LGBT author, I promoted several events and articles relating to NCO, but I also promoted my books.
Not because I am THAT much of a narcissist.
Close, but not quite. ;)
In all seriousness, I hope that Imperfect and Impeccable help others to come out. They helped me to come out, believe it or not.
I have known who and what I am since I was a pre-teen. I remember being in junior high and having "those thoughts." I had hit puberty early, mind you, and when you have a class that is full of beautiful girls, you can't help but be...interested.
I had said things or asked questions of my mother in pre-teen and teen years, but she dismissed them.
In my twenties, I had a few long-distance reltaionships with other women. Since they were short-lived and long-distance, it still didn't quite register with my mother.
Mind you, I hate to make my mother out to be some kind of ignorant fool. She is anything but. However, for whatever reason, my orientation just didn't click with her.
So, when I wrote Imperfect, my mother asked me why all my characters were gay (consider the fact that Loving Her was fairly hot off the press at the time).
So, I thus had to explain to mom AGAIN that I am bisexual (she still doesn't quite fully understand since I'm with a woman now, but that's a whole other blog! LOL).
So, writing love stories about lesbians helped me to come out as a "half-lesbian,' if you will.
Is that a bad thing? Not at all. If you look at Carol and Alex, you will see that they are strong women. They are not ashamed of who they are. They love each other regardless of race or gender. They show us what true love can endure, and what it should be. That can be a very powerful tool in coming out.
So, if you're closeted, please come out! Yes, the world can be a scary place. But it will be such a better place if you're true to yourself!
And if you can read, please read Imperfect and Impeccable. You might just like them! ;)
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Impeccable Page 69 Trial
Happy Thursday, readers! Today, as with every release, I put my book to "The 69 Trial."
The PAGE 69 trial, that is ;)
Below is page 69 from Impeccable. Enjoy!
“I take it you don’t like that,” Dr. Parker said without any hint of emotion.
“The Elysian Fields, their version of heaven, sounds nice. But I’d hate to be permanently hungry and thirsty and to have what I want or need right in front of me but out of reach.”
“That makes sense,” he responded emotionlessly.
“In ancient Rome, life was considered a punishment and death was freedom.”
“What do you make of that, Carol?”
“I can easily agree that life is hell. I hope that death does bring freedom. I’m so sick of the darkness, pain and misery in life. I just want to be free of it all.”
“What about modern religions?”
“Well, any form of Christianity would send me straight to hell simply because I loved another woman. I don’t get it. Love is love, no matter who the person is, right? Apparently, some faiths believe we can turn off our emotions and ignore our hearts.”
“I wouldn’t say that, Carol.”
“Why not? Are you one of them? Do you want to condemn me to hell simply because the person I loved was a woman? What about love thy neighbor and all that bullshit?”
“I wasn’t saying that, Carol.” He gently replied. “I understand. Let’s face it, the gay community faces a lot of obstacles because people react out of fear. A lot of those fearful people use their religions to defend their actions and words. I don’t think they are actually against love. It might be that they are afraid or possibly even envious of a love that can endure such social scorn.
“Straight white Christians are basically well accepted in our American society. It’s easy for them to forget what hardships other races and groups of people have endured because it was never their problem. Perhaps people who are different from them, people who can remain stoic in the face of social adversity remind them that there is more to life than whatever is in their sphere of knowledge. Perhaps they’re jealous because they know they couldn’t do what you do. Maybe they’re not strong enough to stand up for themselves in the same way you and Alex did, for example.” He paused to watch Carol. “What do you think? Think it’s possible?”
The PAGE 69 trial, that is ;)
Below is page 69 from Impeccable. Enjoy!
“I take it you don’t like that,” Dr. Parker said without any hint of emotion.
“The Elysian Fields, their version of heaven, sounds nice. But I’d hate to be permanently hungry and thirsty and to have what I want or need right in front of me but out of reach.”
“That makes sense,” he responded emotionlessly.
“In ancient Rome, life was considered a punishment and death was freedom.”
“What do you make of that, Carol?”
“I can easily agree that life is hell. I hope that death does bring freedom. I’m so sick of the darkness, pain and misery in life. I just want to be free of it all.”
“What about modern religions?”
“Well, any form of Christianity would send me straight to hell simply because I loved another woman. I don’t get it. Love is love, no matter who the person is, right? Apparently, some faiths believe we can turn off our emotions and ignore our hearts.”
“I wouldn’t say that, Carol.”
“Why not? Are you one of them? Do you want to condemn me to hell simply because the person I loved was a woman? What about love thy neighbor and all that bullshit?”
“I wasn’t saying that, Carol.” He gently replied. “I understand. Let’s face it, the gay community faces a lot of obstacles because people react out of fear. A lot of those fearful people use their religions to defend their actions and words. I don’t think they are actually against love. It might be that they are afraid or possibly even envious of a love that can endure such social scorn.
“Straight white Christians are basically well accepted in our American society. It’s easy for them to forget what hardships other races and groups of people have endured because it was never their problem. Perhaps people who are different from them, people who can remain stoic in the face of social adversity remind them that there is more to life than whatever is in their sphere of knowledge. Perhaps they’re jealous because they know they couldn’t do what you do. Maybe they’re not strong enough to stand up for themselves in the same way you and Alex did, for example.” He paused to watch Carol. “What do you think? Think it’s possible?”
gay family,
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