Monday, March 14, 2011

L. E. Harvey is going on tour!!!!!!!

Heya folks! This is a quick notice to let y'all know that yours truly is doing a blog tour which will coincide with an-person event I am doing at the end of May.

Starting April 4th, I will be doing a blog tour which will include features, intreviews, reviews and more! I am SO excited about this. I'll be making some INCREDIBLE stops along the way, so I hope you all follow along!

The end of May, I will be at the Suffern Book Festival to meet you, sign books, answer questions and more! I am so thrilled to have this opportunity, and I hope to meet you there!

Take care and happy reading!!!!!

1 comment:

Malcolm R. Campbell said...

Hope you have a great time and find a lot of new readers.
