Saturday, April 4, 2009

In other news, PLEASE do not forget we've got the on-line book club going on! Post all you answers, comments and questions on that blog!!! :) And also remember that on the 15th, we're doing "Ask the Author" day, so send in your questions to !! :)

Please answer via blog comments, and go into as much thought and detail as you like, as I would like to see these discussions get deep and interesting ;)

I can't wait to see what everyone has to say, so let's just jump right in!!! :)

This blog will be about the first story in Loving Her.

Please answer via blog comments, and go into as much thought and detail as you like, as I would like to see these discussions get deep and interesting ;)

1) How do Katie and Linda meet?

2) How does "the gang" feel about Linda's relationship with Katie?

3) What is your perception/are your thoughts on Katie's relationship with her parents and the "incident" that occurs between them, Linda & Katie?

4) Who knocked on Linda's door so late at night?

5) What are your overall thoughts & feelings on this story? Did you like it? Why or why not? What aspects of the story did you like the most and the least, and why?

These are rather general, but I'd like to at least get the conversation started, and then we can get into some juicy stuff ;) Enjoy!!! :)

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